Globhe challenges
What is this?
We push for progress. Constantly challenging the status quo. We want to show the power of drone data and the impact of truly understanding our planet.
Therefore, occassionally we launch new Crowddroning Challenges, encouraging our vast network of drone operators to caputure meaningful data to help lead organizations to make better decisions.
Explore our challenges previously hosted below.
Drones 4 Forestry Challenge
How do we use high-resolution drone data to protect forests and urban green spaces? We challenged our Crowddroners with a mission to showcase the infinite ways drone data is a vital tool within forestry. The Crowddroning operators sent us their data highlighting problems in the forests in their home country. The submissions speak for themselves; drone data provide vital insights into protecting the forest, benefit the stakeholders and enhance the lives of the local communities.
The winners in each category are presented below.
The winners in each category are presented below.
The contributions
Challenge sponsors

Guiness World Record
The Largest Online Photo Album of Aerial Photographs Ever
Together with our exceptional Crowddroning operators, Globhe created the largest online photo album of aerial photographs in history. We set out to highlight the local effects of climate change and break this GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ in the process.
For two months, December 10th, 2021, to February 10th, 2022, in the middle of snowstorms and holiday vacations, Crowddroners collectively gathered 22 909 images. We have drone operators all over the world, and with this record, we have managed to compile drone footage from each continent—even Antarctica.
Together with our exceptional Crowddroning operators, Globhe created the largest online photo album of aerial photographs in history. We set out to highlight the local effects of climate change and break this GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ in the process.
For two months, December 10th, 2021, to February 10th, 2022, in the middle of snowstorms and holiday vacations, Crowddroners collectively gathered 22 909 images. We have drone operators all over the world, and with this record, we have managed to compile drone footage from each continent—even Antarctica.