Globhe's marketplace is connected to 11 000 professional, vetted drone operators across 147 countries. We require all operators to be registered businesses, complying with local regulations. This ensures compliance, reliability, and quality for every project.

By connecting our marketplace platform to drone operators and their drones around the world we are feeding critical data at scale for digital twin creation. For your company and for our planet.

Globhe's Crowddroning® network minimizes the need for travel, significantly reducing CO2 emissions and logistical complexities.
By leveraging professional and local drone service providers with their drones, we offer clients eco-friendly and efficient solutions that contribute to a thriving planet and a smoother project execution. All our drones are battery driven and we help our clients move away from previous polluting data collection methods.

Crowddroning® is a first-of-its-kind digital marketplace platform, making drone data available in a whole new way, and at a whole new scale. By matching local and professional drone operators globally to clients in need of data that matters, you'll make a lasting impact and create local job opportunities.
Today over 11,000 drone operators in 147 countries are connected to Crowddroning® by GLOBHE ready to collect your drone data on demand.