Afforestation in Kibale National Park

Afforestation in Kibale National Park
Just as avoiding forest losses through deforestation and conversion to other land uses helps maintain both carbon stored in forests and the capacity to continue sequestering additional carbon, afforestation increases the potential for land to store carbon by converting non-forest land to forest. For many decades, the trend in Uganda has been toward increasing coverage of forest land as ecosystems recover from past clearing and disturbance and marginal agricultural lands are taken out of production. Afforestation can increase sequestration within Uganda at an average rate of carbon per acre per years. Afforestation may be more feasible on lower-value lands that are marginal for agriculture or other activities, with benefits for both biomass and soil carbon stocks. - Emmanuel Adiba
Our Crowddroner Emmanuel created this map in Uganda. You can see how the village is surrounded by the forest within the Kibale National Park. This necessitated a lot of trees to be cut to make it possible to construct, thus resulting in deforestation. Today, the local community is planting more trees along the edges of Kibale to account for all the tree loss, increase biodiversity, and protect their local forest.
Check out the map on DroneDeploy
Drone operator
Emmanuel Adiba
Emmanuel is a Crowddroning operator based in Uganda. He submitted these images and maps as part of the Drones 4 sustainable forestry and urban green challenge by GLOBHE to highlight local community challenges in forests in his home country. Emmanuel is an experienced drone operator and a valuable member of GLOBHE's Crowddroning community.